Calf Trail Thoroughfare

Organizing thoughts

2010 February 18

Now that Photon Star is out of beta, let's talk about the big picture.

Grape fields across a canal, small thumbnail (Here is a little picture.)

Digital cameras make it very easy to collect everyday images. Some people might say, too easy. We wouldn't say that, but as the hikes and vacations and get-togethers blur together through many years, it becomes harder and harder to find the right photo among thousands and thousands of snapshots.

That's where Photon Star's efficient rating workflow, and Geotagalog's straightforward geotagging come in. They take the drudge work out of two very important aspects of organizing photos. When an evening's outing can add hundreds of photos to your library, curation becomes a necessary chore. What we want is for that task to happen as efficiently as possible, so you have more time to spend just enjoying your photos (or out finding even better ones)!

Certainly Calf Trail is just one of many software designers working on photo-related software. Our goal is to keep writing focused applications that help you catch up and keep up with your photos. If there's ever an angle you'd like to see better developed, let us know! Your emails, reviews and comments are one of the brightest highlights of our work.

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